Our Vision - Fashion Aftermath

Our Vision & Operations
Product/ Services & Advantages:
The business sells recycled apparel, classified in a) Vintage and b) Second-hand clothing. The fashion industry is responsible for ca. 10% of CO2 emissions (Bloomberg, 2022). Contributors to this environmental issue is the global fashion market, with fast fashion as highlighted segments to be forecasted with a value of $123.9 bn in 2025 (Smith, 2022). The amount of clothing pieces produced each year has doubled in two decades (McKinsey and World Economic Forum cited in Dottle and Gu, 2022). For the recreation of value, apparel must undergo procedures depending on the state of raw materials (see in Operations Plan). By splitting product categories into two groups, different needs of customers can be met. Vintage clothing stands for quality garments, timelessness, the search for something unique (Bardey and Cogliantry, 2022; Cervellon, Carey, & Harms, 2012 cited in Sarial-Abi et al., 2017), worth a premium price. Whereas, second-hand clothing rather reflects contemporary styles and brands, attainable for a bargain. Till this date, products and service are directed at women and available on Facebook shopping or via homepage at https://www.fashionaftermath.com . For the future, the menswear and kids’ apparel are seen as huge expansion potential, extending the business´ offerings to address society as a whole.
Opportunity in the Market
Global fashion demand creates to a 5th of annual plastic produced and substantial generation of carbon emissions released (Dottle and Gu, 2022). There is a need to reinvent the way of creating ´new´ apparel leading us to Fashion Aftermath, which explores the aftermarket of garments, with the aim to loop items back into the supply chain after use. The production issues and lack of sustainable practices offers immense availability of raw materials for the business, highlighting low costs of acquisition. Comparing the success of fast fashion (McKinsey, 2016), it is assumed that most buyers overlook environmental impacts, therefore, one of Fashion Aftermath´s key activities is to educate the audience with data, engage transparency and convince with evidence.
Management Team
Our management team has undergone business-focused higher education and adds work experience and knowledge gained within the retail sectors. Both (female) founders are among the targeted audience representing young women with middle class income and consciousness purchasing habits or interests. This gives the business the ultimate understanding of its customers for the starting phase.
Dottle, R. and Gu, J. (2022). The Global Glut of Clothing Is an Environmental Crisis. [online] Bloomberg. Available at: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-fashion-industry-environmental-impact/.
Remy, N., Speelman, E. and Swartz, S. (2016). Style That’s sustainable: a New fast-fashion Formula. [online] McKinsey & Company. Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability/our-insights/style-thats-sustainable-a-new-fast-fashion-formula [Accessed 10 Sep. 2022].
RSA (2022). Fast fashion’s Plastic Problem. [online] The RSA. Available at: https://www.thersa.org/reports/fast-fashions-plastic-problem [Accessed 10 Sep. 2022].
Sarial-Abi, G., Vohs, K.D., Hamilton, R. and Ulqinaku, A. (2017). Stitching time: Vintage consumption connects the past, present, and future. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(2), pp.182–194. doi:10.1016/j.jcps.2016.06.004.